Fake And Genuine

Because the market is flooded width fake Hygetropin, and it is difficult to guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. The company decided to change the anti-counterfeiting label.

How does the systerm works?

- The 12 digits number is unique. You cannot just use any number you want. If you use number of a kit that doesn't exist,site will tell you there is no such number meaning it's afake kit.

- For the Accident Prevention ( e.g computer crash down etc. ), our real anti-counterfeiting code can be inquired twice. If you try to check the same number again, the system will tell you this number has already been checked. In other words, someone ( or maybe you ) already checked that number. So if someone sells you a kit and the number shows on the site as alredy been checked and you are absolutely sure you never ever enquired about the kit, than that could be a fake kit.

Official website of Hygetropin™